We Facilitate Investment.
For more than 50 years, the DDA has facilitated investment and development opportunities in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. Over the past two decades, the DDA has worked closely with City and County planners to craft land use policy for continued smart growth in the urban core. More than 20,000 residential units, 4.3 million sq. ft. of office, 2.9 million sq. ft. of commercial and 1,200 hotel rooms either exist, are under construction or approved to be built in DowntownFTL. The DDA initiated two pivotal projects that would represent a major commitment by the public sector for the future of DowntownFTL – new City and County government campuses, and the redevelopment of a new Federal Courthouse. Both projects are critical for our growing region and would be catalysts for private investment and new businesses. And lastly, the DDA continues to advocate for commuter rail service on the FEC corridor and supports complementary investments through the County’s transportation surtax to improve mobility within our region.

$190M project to replace the existing Federal Courthouse in DowntownFTL.

City & County Government Campuses

Hosted a design charrette with partners to reimagine the Riverwalk Center Garage.
We Enhance Livability & the Public Realm.
Making sure residents, employees and visitors have a safe, comfortable, and attractive environment is key to the success of a city. The DDA has completed a wide variety of projects that enhance our outdoor spaces and downtown streets. The most recent of these include a complete overhaul of SW 2nd Avenue and the completed Riverwalk Connection, which provided the missing link from the shops on Las Olas Boulevard to the rest of the Riverwalk linear park. Other DDA projects over the years have added new street lighting, trees, and public art within DowntownFTL, leveraging federal and state grant funding along the way. Future projects will focus on improving parks and important streets that connect major destinations and emerging districts.

Reimagining Huizenga Park, DowntownFTL's signature gathering space.

Streetscape improvement project between Broward Blvd & SW 2 Street.

Mural by international artist Arlin Graff on the A&E District Garage.

ULI Panel presented recommendations for parks & open spaces.

Gateway Broward Fence Art
Fence art by artist Moshe on the Broward County Transit Fence by Brightline's Station.

Street Assessment & Walk Audit
In 2020, DDA Interns walked dozens of miles in to assess streets and sidewalks.
We Engage the Community.
The strength of a city lies less in the number of high rises that dot the skyline and more in the connected fabric of its people. From elected leaders to business owners to neighbors and tourists, DowntownFTL is place for all and a place built by all. Opportunities abound for the community to come together, from artwalks, to rooftop bars, to corporate meeting rooms. The strong partnerships DDA has with local government, not-for-profits and businesses and neighborhoods contributes to the strong sense of community in DowntownFTL. The DDA produces annual reports, conducts employee and resident surveys, and promotes the value of DowntownFTL by monitoring key metrics related to the economics, livability and sustainability of the urban core.

Celebrating the beauty in progress. #FTLontheRise

Celebrating the faces in DowntownFTL. #FTLfaces

Annual ULI FTL Forum Event
Annual partnership with the ULI for the Fort Lauderdale Forum to showcase FTL.