February 21, 2022
We have already covered how DowntownFTL ended 2021 with more total jobs than before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and that this rapid recovery is primarily due to the strength of the professional services sector. The evolution of DowntownFTL's economy can be found at: https://www.ddaftl.org/dashboardeconomy
Currently DowntownFTL is home to 49% of citywide professional services jobs, 73% of legal jobs, and 28% of tech jobs. Notably, DowntownFTL has about 12% of countywide tech jobs. and 9% of countywide professional services jobs.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, DowntownFTL's recovery has been driven by a:
17% increase in professional services jobs
7% increase in legal jobs
6% increase in finance related employment
40% of high-wage knowledge sector jobs in the City of Fort Lauderdale are based downtown, a 4 point rise since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This ranks DowntownFTL in a competitive position compared to peer cities across the southern United States.

The full DowntownFTL Dashboard can be viewed at: https://www.ddaftl.org/dashboard