July 11, 2023
South Florida is unlike other Sun Belt regions according to a recent analysis conducted by The Brookings Institution.
While most Sun Belt metro areas have seen their growth largely concentrated in the suburbs, South Florida is a notable exception.
Brookings found that the growth rate of South Florida’s biggest cities like Miami and Fort Lauderdale outpaced the suburbs for 11 of the past 12 years.
South Florida’s biggest cities grew at a rate 62.5% faster than the suburbs.
In the last year alone, Miami and Fort Lauderdale grew at a rate triple that of their suburban bedroom communities.
See how South Florida’s urban centers stack up to other regions:

As the 8th largest metro area in the country, South Florida has a population that is:
More than the Orlando and Tampa metro areas combined.
More than the Nashville and Charlotte regions combined.
Triple the size of Austin.
Regional Rankings by Population:
8th: South Florida
9th: Atlanta
18th: Tampa
22nd: Orlando
23rd: Charlotte
28th: Austin
36th: Nashville
To read the full Brookings Study on the population trends in big cities, visit: https://www.brookings.edu/research/big-cities-are-showing-signs-of-recovery-after-historic-population-losses-new-census-data-shows/
Source: Table C, Growth rates for primary cities and suburbs, 2010-11 through 2020-2022